Bless my co-worker Shelly. I’m wearing a top today that has a somewhat open back on the top and she just says to me…

”do you have a large mole on your back?”

Me: ”no….OMG….do I have a tick on me?!?!?!”

Shelly: “ya, it’s a tick.”

Me: (as I’m jumping up and down and doing the gay wave my hands around by flipping my wrists up and down) “GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!”

WHY!!!!?????!!!!!! Why do I constantly have ticks stuck to me?! GROSS!!!

1 fascinating comments:

SteelerWife said...

OMGosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKIN' NASTY!!!!!!!!!! You should really get some stuff to spray around the borders of your house outside. there's GOT to be some pet-friendly spray!!!!!